Benchmarking and Manufacturing Assessments

Benchmarking and Manufacturing Assessments

We have the ability to carry out various Manufacturing Assessment and Benchmarking activities.

During a Manufacturing Assessment we take a deep dive into your organisation to assess practices and procedures and interview a range of your personnel to understand how your operation currently ticks. Using our wealth of experience and comparing your operation to best operational practices we report back with observations and recommendations of next steps to drive improved operational performance - where are the areas of opportunity to either make savings or increase throughput.

A Benchmarking activity adds to a Manufacturing Assessment a quantitative aspect to the analysis and feedback to allow you to see gaps between your operation and the competition. Obviously this takes longer than a Manufacturing Assessment, and requires significant data inputs.

Feedback is typically provided a week or two later, where we come back to site to present our observations and findings, and hand over a report on the Manufacturing Assessment or Benchmarking activity as relevant.

Manufacturing Assessments have proved popular with clients, being quicker to carry out and requiring less input from the client.